Leading Workshop and Lecture at Brown University
Professor McKenzie will be giving a lecture and leading a visualization workshop at Brown University on November 21 and 22, respectively…
Professor McKenzie will be giving a lecture and leading a visualization workshop at Brown University on November 21 and 22, respectively…
We are happy to announce the publication of a new manuscript titled Urban mobility in the sharing economy: A spatiotemporal comparison of shared mobility services…
…while the main conference always has a range of interesting talks one of the more disturbing trends I noticed this year was a move from “identifying fake content” to “generating fake content”…
Professor McKenzie and colleagues wrote an editorial on GeoAI for a special issue of the International Journal of Geographical Information Sciences. Click through to read a pre-print…
Professor Grant McKenzie will present a short paper during the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computing with Multifaceted Movement Data (MOVE++ 2019) in Chicago on November 5th.
Interested in Shared Mobility, e-Scooters, Bike-share, or Ride-hailing? We currently have two funded graduate research position available at the Masters or PhD level…
As the new academic year gets under way, we would like to welcome a new doctoral student member to the Platial Analysis Lab team…
Professor McKenzie will give a keynote at the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Analytics for Local Events and News in Chicago on Nov 5th…
It has been a whirl-wind few weeks for shared mobility, and specifically Lime scooters, in Canada. Professor Grant McKenzie was asked to provide some insight into the future of e-scooters in Canada…