The Platial Analysis Lab is a research group based out of McGill University at the intersection of geoinformatics and quantitative behavioral geography…
As the name suggests, the Lab pulls apart the concept of place, taking a data-driven and behavioral approach to understanding the dimensions of our world.

McGill CSCDS Data Science Expo

Professor Grant McKenzie will be presenting at McGill’s Center for Social and Cultural Data Science (CSCDS) Data Science Expo on January 21 at McGill’s new residence hall…

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Spatial Data Science Symposium

The 2019 Spatial Data Science Symposium, “Setting the Spatial Data Science Agenda,” came to a close today in Santa Barbara, California…

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Platial Lab at SIGSpatial 2019

…while the main conference always has a range of interesting talks one of the more disturbing trends I noticed this year was a move from “identifying fake content” to “generating fake content”…

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New Editorial on GeoAI

Professor McKenzie and colleagues wrote an editorial on GeoAI for a special issue of the International Journal of Geographical Information Sciences. Click through to read a pre-print…

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New short paper at the MOVE++ workshop

Professor Grant McKenzie will present a short paper during the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computing with Multifaceted Movement Data (MOVE++ 2019) in Chicago on November 5th.

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