Platial Lab at AAG 2023
Two members of the lab attended the American Association of Geographers annual meeting in Denver, CO this year…
Two members of the lab attended the American Association of Geographers annual meeting in Denver, CO this year…
This year the lab will be heavily involved in organizing the 4th Spatial Data Science Symposium with a hub at McGill University…
Last week six members of the lab participated in the 8th conference on Spatial Knowledge and Information (SKI) Canada…
The lab was recently awarded a grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada’s (NSERC) Idea to Innovation program…
In collaboration with Columbia University, the Platial Analysis Lab is co-organizing a workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Science…
The video of co-author Sarah Battersby (Tableau Research) presenting our MixMap AutoCarto paper is available online…
Working hard and playing hard at the lab holiday event…
We are co-organizing the 8th conference on spatial information and knowledge (SKI) Canada in Banff, AB next year…
A warm welcome to Doctoral student Dan Qiang and Master’s student Clara Féré…