The Platial Analysis Lab is a research group based out of McGill University at the intersection of geoinformatics and quantitative behavioral geography…
As the name suggests, the Lab pulls apart the concept of place, taking a data-driven and behavioral approach to understanding the dimensions of our world.

Three papers at GIScience 2023

We are happy to announce that three peer-reviewed papers were accepted for presentation and publication in the proceedings of the 12th International GIScience Conference…

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Platial Lab at UCGIS Symposium

This week Prof. McKenzie was a panellist at the 2023 University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) symposium at Yale University…

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Platial Lab at AAG 2023

Two members of the lab attended the American Association of Geographers annual meeting in Denver, CO this year…

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Platial Lab at SKI2023

Last week six members of the lab participated in the 8th conference on Spatial Knowledge and Information (SKI) Canada…

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