Outstanding paper award at EMNLP2023
A new paper lead by lab member Mikael Brunila was recently awarded the Outstanding Paper Award at EMNLP2023…
A new paper lead by lab member Mikael Brunila was recently awarded the Outstanding Paper Award at EMNLP2023…
Two doctoral students from the lab will attend and present at the 103rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board…
Our paper “Platial k-anonymity” was selected for the Best Full Paper award at this year’s GIScience conference…
We are happy to announce that three peer-reviewed papers were accepted for presentation and publication in the proceedings of the 12th International GIScience Conference…
Our proposed research collaboration with Metrolinx has been awarded funding. The project will focus on micromobility design for commuter transit station area planning…
This week Prof. McKenzie was a panellist at the 2023 University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) symposium at Yale University…
The lab was recently awarded funding from NSERC to study homomorphic encryption techniques for analyzing, and preserving the privacy of, human mobility data…
We welcome participation in two upcoming workshops to be held in conjunction with the 12th International Conference on Geographic Information Science…
Lab member Maya Shyevitch presented her honours thesis work during McGill’s Sustainability, Science, and Society poster session today…