IJGIS GeoAI Editorial Webinar
Professor McKenzie will join coauthors to present their editorial GeoAI: spatially explicit artificial intelligence techniques for geographic knowledge discovery and beyond…
Professor McKenzie will join coauthors to present their editorial GeoAI: spatially explicit artificial intelligence techniques for geographic knowledge discovery and beyond…
A quick interactive visualization of McGill researchers presenting their work at the American Association of Geographers annual meeting (2013-2020).
Professor McKenzie will give a lecture for the Cutting Edge Lectures in Science series at McGill’s Redpath Museum on Thursday evening…
Morgan Guttman, a research assistant in the lab (and Anthropology major) recently presented the work he completed as part of his summer internship award…
Professor Grant McKenzie will be presenting at McGill’s Center for Social and Cultural Data Science (CSCDS) Data Science Expo on January 21 at McGill’s new residence hall…
Professor McKenzie will be giving a lecture and leading a visualization workshop at Brown University on November 21 and 22, respectively…
…while the main conference always has a range of interesting talks one of the more disturbing trends I noticed this year was a move from “identifying fake content” to “generating fake content”…
Professor Grant McKenzie will present a short paper during the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computing with Multifaceted Movement Data (MOVE++ 2019) in Chicago on November 5th.
Professor McKenzie will give a keynote at the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Analytics for Local Events and News in Chicago on Nov 5th…