New short paper at the MOVE++ workshop
Professor Grant McKenzie will present a short paper during the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computing with Multifaceted Movement Data (MOVE++ 2019) in Chicago on November 5th.
Professor Grant McKenzie will present a short paper during the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computing with Multifaceted Movement Data (MOVE++ 2019) in Chicago on November 5th.
Interested in Shared Mobility, e-Scooters, Bike-share, or Ride-hailing? We currently have two funded graduate research position available at the Masters or PhD level…
Now that Jump bikes have been on the streets of Montreal for one month, we thought we would present some of the spatial and temporal patterns that we have observed in Jump’s user activity.
Professor McKenzie was successful in securing funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) to assess the impact of micro-mobility services on existing mobility programs.
Last night, approximately 200 vehicles from Uber’s electric-assist bicycle-sharing service Jump, appeared on the streets of Montreal…