New project with Lime micromobility and Mobilizing Justice
We are excited for a new research partnership with Lime Micromobility, and Mobilizing Justice…
We are excited for a new research partnership with Lime Micromobility, and Mobilizing Justice…
Our proposed research collaboration with Metrolinx has been awarded funding. The project will focus on micromobility design for commuter transit station area planning…
In this new paper led by Daniel Romm, we explore the differences in first-mile and last-mile multi-modal bike-share/transit trips in Boston, MA…
On Oct 8th, Prof. McKenzie gave a presentation to the Transportation Research Board AMS 50 committee…
The Platial Analysis Lab has funding to support two graduate students, at the Master’s level, with interest in the broad topics of either Geo-Privacy or Urban Mobility…
Professor Grant McKenzie and colleague contributed Chapter 14 to the recently published book A Modern Guide to the Urban Sharing Economy…
Trips using Montreal’s new e-bikes are longer in distance and duration than traditional, non-electric, BIXI bikes…
We are currently building a platform to visualize animated urban trajectories… A demo version showing 24 hours of e-scooter data in Berlin is available here…
Professor Grant McKenzie will present a short paper during the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computing with Multifaceted Movement Data (MOVE++ 2019) in Chicago on November 5th.