
Location privacy has been a topic of research for many years but has recently experienced a resurgence in public interest. This renewed interest is driven by recent advances in location-enabled devices, sensors and context-aware technology, and the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT). The data generated via these sensors and devices is being collected,analyzed, and synthesized at an unprecedented rate. While much of this data is used in the advancement of products or services (e.g., navigation technologies), many individuals remain unaware of the information that is being collected, how it is being collected, and more importantly, how it is being used. The resulting information extracted from this personal data has contributed to significant advances in the computational and geospatial sciences, e.g., location recommendations or health services. However, these advances often come at the high cost of reduced location privacy.

Read some of our publications on the topic:

McKenzie, G., Romm, D., Zhang, H., Brunila, M. (2022) PrivyTo: A privacy preserving location sharing platform. Transactions in GIS. Wiley Press.

Zhang, H., McKenzie, G. (2022) Rehumanize geoprivacy: From disclosure control to human perception. GeoJournal.

McKenzie, G., Keßler C., Andris, C. (2019) Editorial for our special issue in the Journal of Spatial Information Science (JOSIS) on Geospatial Privacy and Security.

Keßler, C., McKenzie, G. (2017). A Geoprivacy Manifesto. Transactions in GIS. 22(1) 3-19. Wiley Press.

McKenzie, G., Janowicz, J., Seidl, D. (2016) Geo-privacy beyond coordinates In: Sarjakoski T., Santos M.Y., Sarjakoski, L.T. (eds) Geospatial Data in a Changing World. AGILE 2016. (pp. 157-175) Springer.