We are always interested in talking/meeting with potential students and researchers interested in joining our team!
Before contacting us about advising, funding, or enrolment opportunities, please take some time to read through the information below.
As a starting point, please review the wealth of information on the following three websites.
- McGill Geography Graduate Program
- Graduate Studies at McGill
- Advice on contacting potential advisors
These contain a range of detailed information about the enrolment process, life as a graduate student, funding opportunities, and application deadlines.
If you are looking to join the lab as a graduate researcher pursing a Masters or Doctoral degree, or an undergraduate honours student, please include the following information in your initial email.
- Your Curriculum Vitae
- A statement of research interest
- Level of experience with programming and/or spatial statistics
- An (unofficial) copy of your academic transcript
Finally, please clearly state how you think your research interests align with the lab’s. What can you bring to the lab and what goals can we help you attain (i.e., what are your career goals)?
Please send all relevant documents along with your inquiry to Professor Grant McKenzie at grant.mckenzie@mcgill.ca.