Another American Association of Geographers (AAG) meeting has come to a close, this time in Washington, D.C. By all accounts the meeting was a success and it is always great to catch up with spatial scientists in their natural habitat… the conference center. The Platial Analysis Lab was well represented with presentations by Zheng Liu presenting our work on identifying urban neighborhood names through user-contributed online property listings during the “Urban Data Science II: Methods & Models for our Changing Cities” session. Grant McKenzie presented his, and co-author Ben Adam’s work on assessing tourist attraction similarities through user-contributed content in the “Tourism Analytics” session. Finally, Grant co-organized a lightning talk session with Professor Clio Andris titled “Reckless Ideas in Geography & GIScience” in which seven discussants presented cutting edge, pie-in-the-sky ideas related to their domains of interest. A few photos from the conference: