Regional Similarity Platform
Based on spatiotemporal micromobility usage patterns
Attribute Weight
Unique trip origin cells
Trip origin volume by distance
Trip temporal signature by distance
Similarity Legend
81 - 90
71 - 80
61 - 70
51 - 60
41 - 50
31 - 40
21 - 30
<= 20
McKenzie, G., Romm, D. (2021) Measuring urban regional similarity through mobility signatures. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems.
Hover over cells in Stockholm for similarity details.
Click here to resume.
Hover over cells in Berlin for similarity details.
Click here to resume.
Welcome / Instructions

Welcome to the Regional Similarity Platform. The purpose of this platform is to demonstrate an approach to regional similarity based on three different dimensions of human mobility. The published manuscript describing the methodology can be accessed here.

To use this platform, please hover your mouse over the hexagonal grids in one of the two cities (Berlin or Stockholm). As you hover, you'll notice that all regions in the partner city are stylized based on how similar they are to the selected region. The legend on the left shows the color/similarity classes. Clicking on the hexagon (on which you were hoving) locks the screen, allowing you to hover your mouse over the regions in the partner city. This will result in a ToolTip showing the similarity values based on three different mobility signatures, as well as a weighted combination of these signatures. The weights can be adjusted using the sliders on the left panel of the platform.